Jr QB Chase Whiteman passes the ball perfectly to Pat Whalen (A WOLnews Photo) |
Williamsport, PA - The tide-turning 83-yard touchdown catch for Pat Whalen on Saturday wasn't as easy as just run by the defender and catch the football. There was a lot more to the play for the Lycoming receiver to gain the separation he needed to make the catch.
Breaking off his intended route was Step 1. Warriors head coach Mike Clark made the call looking for an easy throw for quarterback Chase Whiteman on the play, either an out pattern or a comeback, depending on how the defense defended the play. Whalen didn't do either, instead seeing an opening to get vertical.
"I think they squatted a corner," Clark said. "I think it became a coverage that would allow us to change the route to a vertical, and luckily we hit it."
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